Bob Burg and John David Mann
Click on picture below to view/download SUMMARY of the book The Go - Giver
by Bob Burg and John David Mann.
The book tells a parable of a man named Joe who, struggling to make his quarterly sales target, meets a mentor named Pindar to help him. Pindar then teaches Joe the “Five Laws of Stratospheric Success” by having Joe meet various people who have already mastered the five laws. The book is a short read, but it contains a powerful message. One that aligns with Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Law of Compensation: you will always be compensated for your contributions, one way or another. Therefore, it’s better to focus on giving more if you wish to receive more. That’s the secret of the book in a nutshell. But it’s expanded into five laws, which the author recommends you actually try, instead of just thinking about them. That way, you can determine for yourself whether these laws work or not.
Chapter 3 - The Law of Value
Chapter 4 - The Law of Value part 2
Chapter 5 - The Law of Compensation
Chapter 6 - Serving Coffee
Chapter 7 - Rachel
Chapter 8 - The Law Influence
Chapter 9 - The Law Influence Part 2
Chapter 10 - The Law of Authenticity
Chapter 11 - Gus
Chapter 12 - The Law of Receptivity
Chapter 13 - Full Circle
Chapter 14 - Full Circle - Part 2
Chapter 1 - The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success
Chapter 2 - The Secret